Diaphragm Wall Construction

Diaphragm Wall is a cast in place with a reinforced or plain concrete retaining wall constructed by special designed trench equipment with multiple drill head or clamshell bucket.
Diaphragm walls are underground structural elements commonly used for retention systems and permanent foundation walls. They can also be used as deep groundwater barriers The specialty in this method is to apply stabilizing fluid(bentonite slurry or polymer slurry) for preventing collapse of excavated trench.
PT INSEMA SUNLY ENGINEERING has extnsive experience in diaphragm wall construction since 1980s with RSEA. ISM was also involved in the Lampung Diaphragm Wall construction.
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Diaphragm Wall Construction Method
- 1 Cast-in-place diaphragm walls are usually excavated under bentonite slurry.
- 2 Various types of excavation equipment can be used depending on project conditions, including hydraulic excavators or cable-hung clam buckets
- 3 Diaphragm wall construction begins with the trench being excavated in discontinuous sections or "panels".
- 4 Once the excavation of a panel is complete, a steel reinforcement cage is placed in the center of the panel.
- 5 Concrete is poured in one continuous operation through one or more tremie pipes that extend to the bottom of the trench.