Stone Column Construction

Soils with appreciable silt or clay content do not respond to deep vibratory compaction. To improve these cohesive soil types to allow building and other heavy construction, it is necessary to create stiff reinforcing elements in the soil mass. The stone column technique, also known as vibro-replacement or vibro-displacement, is a ground improvement process where vertical columns of compacted aggregate are formed through the soils to be improved. These columns result in considerable vertical load carrying capacity and improved shear resistance in the soil mass.
Stone columns are installed with specialized vibratory probes, generally having a horizontal mode of vibration. Column diameters of 2 to 5 feet can be achieved, depending upon soil conditions and design requirements. The vibrator first penetrates to the required depth by vibration and air or water jetting or by vibration alone. Gravel is then added at the tip of the vibrator and progressive raising and repenetration of the vibrator results in the gravel being pushed into the surrounding soil. The soil-column matrix results in an overall mass having a high shear strength and a low compressibilty.
Note: We are currently the leading Stone Column Installation Contractor in Indonesia. Learn more
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What is the Stone Column Installation Procedure?
- 1 The vibroprobe penetrates to the required depth by vibration and jetting action of water.
- 2 Adding gravel through the washed out annular space alongside the Vibroprobe creates the stone column.
- 3 The surface is leveled and roller compacted.